In this article, you learn how to locate and use the auto-tabbing feature.
Glide's auto-tabbing feature saves time by automatically flagging points on pdf forms that require a signature, initials, or a date with a color-coded tab. You can access the auto-tabbing feature when sending documents for e-signature through Glide Signatures of DocuSign.
How it Works
The first step is to open or import a document.
1. On the Glide home page, select a transaction.
2. Select a form.
In this example, we click Documents on the left menu and select the Residential Listing Agreement in the General folder. This form was imported into the transaction from the Glide library.
Another option is to upload third-party and/or scanned forms into the Glide transaction.
3. Hover the mouse on the form, click the three-dot button, and then select eSign.
Preparing documents for e-signature
In this step, prepare the document package for e-signature.
1. On the Prepare Signature Package page, select an e-signature option.
In this example, we select Glide Signatures, a free tool from Glide.
2. Scroll down the page to the checkbox.
Glide automatically checks the box to replace the unsigned original with the signed version.
We suggest you leave this box checked because it helps reduce the number of transaction documents you need to manage and avoids confusion about whether there are fully executed documents. Uncheck the box to save the signed form on Glide with a different file name and keep the unsigned form in the transaction.
Changing the signing order
On the Add Signers and Recipients page, agents and teams can customize the order in which documents are sent to signing parties. This feature is available for both Glide Signatures and DocuSign.
By default, Glide sends the documents to all signing parties at the same time. If you want this option, leave the Set Signing Order toggle switch in the OFF position.
Click the toggle switch to the ON position to set the signing order. Change the numbers in the boxes.
The party with the smallest number receives the document(s) first. After that party e-signs the document(s), Glide automatically sends the package to the next person based on the rank order.
One sample document with auto-tabs
Each required tab on your package of documents is automatically placed for you and your clients, saving time and preventing mistakes/omissions.
Auto-tabbing for fillable forms available on Glide is a free member benefit feature. Glide Pro users, however, receive additional benefits, such as:
Unlimited auto-tabbing for third-party PDFs.
Unlimited auto-tabbing for scanned and uploaded PDFs.