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Glide Offers Training
Jake Brian Tipagat avatar
Written by Jake Brian Tipagat
Updated over a year ago

In these training modules, you will learn how to create and send offers as a buyer agent.

The training will also cover managing offers received, as the seller agent, using a centralized dashboard. You will learn how to present, counter, accept, and reject offers within Glide.

Finally, you will learn how to create a transaction timeline to ensure the deal stays on track.

You can use the links to access the training modules. These training modules are designed to be used on a mobile device so you can follow along within the desktop environment.

An overview of the offers process in Glide.

Learn how to submit an offer package using Glide.

Managing Offers (Buyer Side)

Update in progress.

Learn how to add offers to Glide as a Seller Agent.

Learn how to navigate the Offers section of a listing transaction.

Learn how to counter offers in Glide.

Learn how to Reject and Accept offers in Glide.

After an offer is accepted, you can learn how to create a transaction timeline to keep the deal on track.

Still need additional assistance? Sign up for our live webinars to get a demonstration & your questions answered in a live environment.

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