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How to Submit Offers

Submit your offer package to the listing agent through Glide to receive additional benefits for tracking and security.

Jake Brian Tipagat avatar
Written by Jake Brian Tipagat
Updated over a week ago

In this article, buyer's agents learn how to submit a signed offer package to a listing agent using Glide's new Offer Management platform.

Before you start

This is a two-step process. To submit an offer package, the buyer's agent must have an offer package signed by the prospective buyer.

Submitting an offer

After all buy-side parties sign the forms, send the offer package to the listing agent.

To send the package, the buyer side team completes two tasks:

  • create an offer summary

  • customize email options

The offer summary helps the listing team to understand and evaluate offers. The option to email from within Glide gives the buyer's agent access to offer tracking tools.

1. Open the transaction on Glide and click Offer Package on the left menu.

2. On the Offer Package page, click the file(s) to review the terms and details (optional). Click Close after reviewing.

  • Note: The buyer team created this signed offer package (as described in this article). It's not possible to edit this document. If changes are required, the buyer team must create a new offer.

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Next: Prepare Email Offer.

4. Click Start on the next page to begin the summary workflow.

Completing an offer summary

Before Glide submits the package, the buyer's agent confirms offer details on the summary pages.

  • Make sure the details in the summary match the information in the offer package.

  • If you created the offer package on Glide, the summary page fields are pre-filled.

Verify the parties and details on each page are correct.

  • Click Continue as you move through the workflow.

Confirm listing agent contact information

Before you submit an offer, confirm the listing agent's contact information.

  • Confirm the listing agent's email address and phone number.

  • Add another email address for the listing agent or team member (optional).

1. Check the box confirmation box (I have confirmed the listing agent's contact info is correct) to confirm you verified the listing agent's email address(es).

2. After you check the box, click Continue.

Customize send settings

On the next page, decide how to submit the offer.

  • This is your last chance to review the information. After you click the Continue button on this page, Glide sends the offer package to the listing agent.

1. Change the send email address (optional).

  • By default, Glide sends the offer package from a no-reply notification email address. You can change that send from email address to a personal Gmail account or Outlook.

  • For more information about changing the send email address, see How to Connect Glide to a Gmail Account.

2. Customize the message (optional).

  • Add a note for the listing agent or edit the pre-filled information, such as the buyer's contact info at the bottom of the message.

3. Select a document delivery option.

  • To send a more secure message and enable Glide tracking, select the first option (By Email Link).

  • The send By Email Attachment option is not available if the file size of the offer package is over 15 MB.

Advantages of By Email Link

This delivery option provides the team with timely information about the status of the offer:

  • confirm message receipt on Glide account

  • display when -- date and time -- the other party opens the file on Glide account

  • receive an SMS notification (sent to the buyer team) when the listing side views the offer

4. Activate a notification tool under the Confidence Boosters heading (optional).

  • Agents can opt-in to receive instant offer updates through SMS notifications by checking the Confidence Booster box.

This option is available to buyer's agents on the Submit Offer page.

  • By making this selection, you authorize Glide to send notifications for key actions taken by the other side, including viewing, rejecting, accepting, or countering the offer.

  • You may opt-out of receiving SMS notifications at any time by replying "STOP."

5. Click Continue to email the offer package to the listing agent.

Checking the status of the offer package

After you click Continue, Glide returns to the Offer Package page.

  • The status is set to Submitted.

1. Scroll down the page and click the Show More link to open a folder and review offer details.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the offer package documents and the Activity log.

3. To check the status of the offer package at a later date, or review the Activity log, click Offer Package on the left menu.

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