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Top Glide Offers Webinar FAQs
Jake Brian Tipagat avatar
Written by Jake Brian Tipagat
Updated over 3 years ago

If you would like a downloadable PDF copy of these FAQs click here.



What can I see if I am submitting an offer which is competing with other buyers for a property?

You will only be able to see the offer you submitted yourself as the buyer agent. You will not be able to see any other submitted offers.

Once an offer is accepted, will all other offers be automatically rejected?

No, you would need to click into each offer to reject them individually. Find out how to reject offers here.

Do I have to make a new transaction, for my Buyer, for every property that I submitted an offer to?

No. You just need to create one purchase transaction for your buyer, and then you will be able to add properties to it.

Why do purchase templates look different than other templates?

Since purchase transactions allow you to add multiple properties, purchase templates now have to sort which documents are property specific. Otherwise, it works identically.

I have just accepted an offer. Can I add this transaction into Glide's Transaction Timeline?

Yes, once you accept an offer and the status of the transaction is set to Under Contract, you can add it to the Transaction Timeline by following the steps here.

Will Glide Offers be available on Glide's mobile application?

Yes, you can create, submit, manage, negotiate, and accept offers all through Glide’s mobile application.

Does the other party/agent also need to be using Glide for the Offers tool to work?

No, the other party/agent can receive and send all communication to you through email. They will be able to download and review any documentation sent through email as a PDF.

Can you use MLS connect to automatically fill information for the cover sheet?

Glide has its own MLS import that can automatically fill information for a property. Find out how to use the MLS import in Glide here. The transaction details and parties page acts as a cover page, so any information that is added to this section, will automatically pre-fill in your forms.

Will Glide Offers only be available for agents who are members of participating MLSs?

No, all Glide members can use the Offers tool in Glide.

As a listing agent, can you add an offer that was not submitted through Glide?

Yes, view the article here to find out how to add offers manually as a listing agent.

Can you upload attachments to the Offer package as a buyer agent? For instance a preapproval letter or a letter explaining why the buyer wants the house?

Yes, you can upload any additional documentation to the offer package by uploading them directly from your computer. You would need to click the + Add Documents dropdown next to the Get Signatures button when preparing an offer package.

If the listing agent is not using Glide, will they get the offer in their email in the form of a pdf?

Yes, the listing agent would then be able to download the pdf to view the offer details.

If you reject an offer does it prompt the seller to initial the rejection?

You would need to send the document to the seller to initial the rejection. This will not be done automatically. However, once you press the Reject button, it will trigger an email that can be customized and will come from your own email address (instead of

How does Glide Offers handle a hand written offer? For example, does it pick up hand written values in price, dates, etc?

Yes, Glide Offers uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to read any uploaded documents and pulls the information directly into the offer page. You will also be able to add offer information manually if Glide cannot read the writing in the uploaded offer document.

Will the Offers tool be available for large teams, and will there be any additional costs for them to submit and receive offers?

Any Glide member that is part of a larger team can use the Offers tool at no additional cost.

Do clients need to sign up for an account in order to view offers and sign documents?

Buyers and Sellers are not required to sign up for an account in order to sign documents. However, Sellers will need to sign up for a Glide account in order to see the offers submitted for their property in their own Seller Workspace that can be enabled by the Listing Agent. Find out how to turn on Offer Sharing and enable your seller’s workspace here.

Is the agent or the seller responsible for Accepting, Rejecting, or Countering an offer in Glide?

The listing agent will be the one who Accepts, Rejects, or Counters offers in Glide. Click on each link provided to find out how to Accept, Reject, or Counter offers in Glide.

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